Just browsing
Author: K. G.
When I was a kid, we didn’t have the internet at home.
My mom would drop me off at the public library and I would use the internet there.
There was a special room set up with eight computers.
It was a room with glass on three sides so that the librarian could see what we are doing.
I would check my email or just “surf”.
One time when I was at the library using the computer,
there was a man using the computer next to me.
He had moved the browser window to make it one long thin line and he was scrolling very slowly.
He was looking at porn but only through a tiny window so he wouldn’t get caught.
He saw me looking at his screen and knew I was looking at him look at porn,
so he tried to stare at me but I did not look in his direction again.
I wanted to move but you have to wait to use a computer,
so I didn’t and I kept browsing until my two hours were up,
trying to not look in that direction again.